Welcome to the Mechanics, Smart Sensors
& Nondestructive Evaluation (MSS-NDE) Laboratory
MSS-NDE is an interdisciplinary Laboratory in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece, established in 2006. It aims excellence in research and education in mechanics, sensing technologies, nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) of engineering materials and components.
The MSS-NDE laboratory primarily focuses in the development of advanced NDE techniques and innovative SHM methodologies for the quantification of damage and life prediction of materials and structures under mechanical, thermal, environmental, corrosion, oxidation, errosion, wear/freting, and combined in-service loading conditions. Materials of interest include: metallic alloys, ceramics, smart and multi-functional materials, composite materials, coatings, nano-structured materials and advanced cement-based materials for aerospace, nuclear, civil, cultural heritage and biomedical engineering applications.
Research areas:
NDE techniques based on ultrasonics, acoustic emission, acoustic microscopy, nonlinear acoustics, IR thermography, electrical methods, diffraction techniques, interferometric techniques, and nano-microscopy
SHM methods for early detection of the degradation process compromising the structural integrity and functionality of aging structures
Methodologies for real-time evaluation of the state of damage in materials, enabling reliable component failure prediction
Sensor technologies for SHM and NDE: response under temperature, load and strain
Modeling, simulation and technology development at various scales ranging from nano- and micro- scales to realistic structures
Signal processing, data fusion and image processing for SHM/NDE
Integration of multiple nondestructive evaluation techniques for improving interpretation of NDE results
Development and characterization of ceramic-, polymer- and metal-matrix nanocomposites and hybrid materials

Smart Structures/NDE 2017
Features the latest advances in smart materials, energy harvesting, sensor networks, soft actuators, nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring
25 - 29 March 2017
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel
Portland, Oregon, USA